Friday, April 8, 2011

Sunsun and Seasea

Long before Blythe Loves Littlest Pet Shop dolls were sold here, I already ordered one for myself at eBay. Yes, it cost me more (money and patience) but I thought they were never gonna be sold here. (It's not my loss really. I'll explain in another post if I feel like it.) It was only yesterday that I was able to claim the 1st LPS Blythe I ever bought!

The thing with Blythe Loves LPS Swim & Sun is that it was not my favorite. I really like Playfully Plaid (with her darker hair) but since Swim & Sun has a more buyer friendly shipping rate (since it has a smaller box), I chose it. I was okay with having my 3rd LPS Blythe, but then on my way home yesterday I passed by the toy store and saw LPS Sunshine Island. It looked like my favorite Playfully Plaid but I like it more because it has brown eyes! Although there was one thing I didn't like, the painted on leggings.

I thought I'll just head swap the two and sell the Swim and Sun head on the Sunshine Island body but while de-boxing both I felt that these two are twin sisters never to be parted! I decided to keep them both. Sunshine Island will now be called Sunsun and Swim & Sun will be Seasea.

Sunsun: Seasea, you look cute in your swimsuit.
Seasea: I know, right. I really can't wait to swim.
Sunsun: You're favorite activity must be swimming.
Seasea: Since we don't have a pool and live far from the beach, I find it too much of a hassle. I like bowling better.

Sunsun: Bowling?
Seasea: Yes. We don't have to go far to go bowling and it's indoors so we'll be safe from sun damage.
Sunsun: I guess you're right but you can't go like that bowling.
Seasea: Of course I can. I'll show you. Follow me to the kitchen. (<- click that...*wink*)


D7ana said...

Oh Sunsun and Seasea are too cute. Even with the bigger heads ... cute! I love the surprise, how adorable Seasea looks "bowling," lol!

Niel Camhalla said...

Thanks Dana. They are too cute for me to resist. I initially wanted just one but then, I already got 4... and open to getting more. :D