Monday, October 17, 2011

Carmilla: Let Her Bite

"...think me not cruel because I obey the irresistible law of my strength and weakness..."

Before Dracula, there was Carmilla. She was a vampire from the novella written by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu. She often preys on young women in their sleep. She was the inspiration for the character of this doll.

This Carmilla continues to 'live' in the 21st century by faking her deaths at the hands of the vampire hunters. She glamoured people into believing she has been killed so that she can 'live' a peaceful life. Through the centuries, she has amassed wealth, from stocks to real estate and multi-billion businesses. Her wealth is under a number of alternate identities so she can stay out of the limelight of being the richest person in the world. She maintains her sources of wealth because staying incognito is financially demanding for the likes of her.

Carmilla indirectly runs a number of modelling agencies, cosmetics, jewelries and fashion labels plus a number of hotel chains. Her models get discounted rates on her hotels and dormitories (if they are still studying in her modelling school), all of which are specially designed with secret passages so she can come in and out of any room unnoticed. She takes care of her models because she needs them to survive.

She drinks their blood but not to the point of killing them. That may mean drinking from a number of girls every night. She has evolved into a vampire with restraint so don't be scared now. Let her bite.

(This is not really a start of a story but merely a character profile, a way of enjoying my older dolls.)


D7ana said...


Confession, I actually almost screamed when I saw that first fantastic photo of Carmilla. Very scary how her head is thrown back. I even rushed to post - see me here.

I love her blue metallic dress. It seems as though her mouth is even wider than in previous photos. Ah, tis her month though, isn't it? Well, then again, since she's out and about all the time, maybe not. Just the time when we think of vampires more often ... shudder.

How considerate of her to only sip as it were at her many models. Glad I am that I am past model school age. Brrrr ....

Thanks for this character profile. I enjoyed reading it.

Oh, now I have an idea for a {Non}Angelus and T.J. story ... double thanks, Niel!

Niel Camhalla said...

Hahaha. You made me smile with your comments Dana. :)

D7ana said...

;-D back to you.