Monday, April 25, 2011

Golden Rust

I really enjoyed the recent 4-day weekend. No, I didn't go to any exotic location most Filipino do at that time of the year. I stayed at home, bonded with my family and then later with a friend. I was also able to make six dresses--four for model muse Barbie dolls and two for Skipper/Blythe sized bodies.

The first of the dress, which I call Golden Rust, was made specially for Marisa, not my own Marisa but a friend's Marisa. I normally don't like taking commissions lately since I don't find it cost efficient (considering how much I should earn per hour) but I felt I owe the friend so I made this for him.

Before I hand the dress to my friend, I had to do a trial fitting and photo shoot with my own Marisa (which used to be owned by my friend.)

The shades are from a Barbie Basics fashion pack. The bracelet, I think is from Hanna Montana while the purse is a vintage repro from Mattel. The shoes came with a Barbie Fashionista doll. I forgot which one. :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Blythe Loves Polly Pocket Fashion

I really wanted to bring all my LPS Blythes to the last doll meet but they didn't have appropriate dresses. It was just yesterday that I scored some glittery fashion for them (Fab-tastic fashion from Polly Pocket). To think that their clothes should be easier to make (in the sense that it would take less stitches) but I wasn't able to.

These dolls have side-tracked me from working on my shelf dollhouse. Working. Yes, sometimes the hobby can feel like work and I have to drop it and do something else, something that could really make me smile a childlike smile, like these little Blythe. To me they're like little kids, trying to act (but not forced into being a) grown up. How cute is that?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sunsun and Seasea

Long before Blythe Loves Littlest Pet Shop dolls were sold here, I already ordered one for myself at eBay. Yes, it cost me more (money and patience) but I thought they were never gonna be sold here. (It's not my loss really. I'll explain in another post if I feel like it.) It was only yesterday that I was able to claim the 1st LPS Blythe I ever bought!

The thing with Blythe Loves LPS Swim & Sun is that it was not my favorite. I really like Playfully Plaid (with her darker hair) but since Swim & Sun has a more buyer friendly shipping rate (since it has a smaller box), I chose it. I was okay with having my 3rd LPS Blythe, but then on my way home yesterday I passed by the toy store and saw LPS Sunshine Island. It looked like my favorite Playfully Plaid but I like it more because it has brown eyes! Although there was one thing I didn't like, the painted on leggings.

I thought I'll just head swap the two and sell the Swim and Sun head on the Sunshine Island body but while de-boxing both I felt that these two are twin sisters never to be parted! I decided to keep them both. Sunshine Island will now be called Sunsun and Swim & Sun will be Seasea.

Sunsun: Seasea, you look cute in your swimsuit.
Seasea: I know, right. I really can't wait to swim.
Sunsun: You're favorite activity must be swimming.
Seasea: Since we don't have a pool and live far from the beach, I find it too much of a hassle. I like bowling better.

Sunsun: Bowling?
Seasea: Yes. We don't have to go far to go bowling and it's indoors so we'll be safe from sun damage.
Sunsun: I guess you're right but you can't go like that bowling.
Seasea: Of course I can. I'll show you. Follow me to the kitchen. (<- click that...*wink*)