Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hello Yellow

I intended to make a simple yellow dress with a distinct neckline. Other than the neckline, the dress looked too simple even with a gold chain belt. Not that it's bad but I wanted to complicate it a bit more. One thing I like about simple dresses is that one can adorn it and make it look slightly different (whereas it's a risky idea to take apart a complicated dress).

This yellow dress, I thought, is not something you'd like to wear with a necklace as it distracts from the detailed neckline although I think it's a good dress to show off the belt. I was suppose to take a picture of this dress along with different belts including the narrow blue belt that came with the Barbie Basics fashion pack but I think I misplaced mine. I was even thinking of making an obi belt but I wanted to post this entry right away. I did make a belt from the same yellow fabric with a peplum detail that makes it look like it's part of the dress. It doesn't look too simple anymore.

The next color will be red. I initially wanted to make it an overtly sexy dress with a deep V-neckline but then I thought it would be more challenging to make a sexy red dress and have the torso completely covered. We'll see...


Vanessa said...

Beautiful dress. She looks good in yellow.

Dollz4Moi said...

I love the dress w/and w/o the detail. It looks lovely against her skin.

Niel Camhalla said...

Thank you both. :) Even before I made the dress, I already had this doll in mind to wear the dress. :)

D7ana said...

Wow, the color pops and jumps to attention on that model. I like neckline and how the dress changes with different waist details.

I might have added a loose, scarf-like red-black-yellow sash. Or left it without further enhancements.

I look forward to seeing the red dresses

Niel Camhalla said...

Thanks Dana. Scarves...hmmm...I don't seem to have enough. Hahaha.