Monday, January 10, 2011

Michael and Melinda Box

I just wanted too document how the box looked like before it gets disposed...
Photo collage created using Paint.NET.

tags: Mattel "Young Sweethearts" doll vintage articulated couple

Barbie Basics Grapevine

Barbie Basics with articulation? Really, now?

I think I read somewhere (I forgot where) that ONLY the knees will be articulated, like the 2010 Harley Davidson Barbie. Yay!

Friday, December 3, 2010


I don't pretend to be an ordinary housewife. - Elizabeth Taylor

Just to make it clear, I'm not really a Liz Taylor fan but I do appreciate her beauty which was attempted to be captured in some Barbie dolls. I know little about her. I didn't even know she had a beauty mark on her right cheek (near the jaw line) which was reflected in the doll. I initially though it was a speck of dirt or paint and I was ready to erase it. Luckily, I searched for other pictures and found out that she indeed had a beauty mark.

Being one of the few Barbie dolls with a face that resembles the actual person, I couldn't resist the beauty of the doll so I was watching out for her on eBay for weeks and finally I was able to get her at a reasonable price. I waited for someone to sell her out of the box since NRFB dolls can cost up to 5x more. I'm a deboxer anyway.

Having no back ground on her, I decided to watch Butterfield 8 (which was just laying around with the pile of disc in the house). The slip dress below and the fur coat above, although have the wrong design altogether, can still help capture her vibe from that movie. (Well maybe not the poses below... She's just enjoying her new found articulation.)

Evidently I have rebodied her using a body similar to the Modern Circle Barbie body. (Is there a shorter name for that?) I already forgot what doll the body originally was since I used so many heads on it. I wanted to give Liz ample articulation but I didn't want her to look starved so the Pivotal body is not an option. Even though I don't have an FR, I never considered the body since they are too tall for the dame (or my taste) who was supposed to stand 5'2". I'm still on the look out for better body for her.

Being a relatively new collector, I have a long list of old (not necessarily vintage) dolls I wanted. I'm still waiting to my hands on Diana Ross and Audrey Hepburn dolls (although I think the Audrey doll looks too cartoon-ish). Good thing there's not much exciting Barbie dolls for next year, except maybe for one or two Barbie Basics and maybe the Ken repro. I can align my budget for older dolls that have classic timeless beauty.