Thursday, September 9, 2010

Notice Something?

Below is a comparison photo of a doll using a Steffie face mold and the Lois Lane doll (with partially repainted eyes on a model muse body). The dolls were posed back to back but judging from Lois' arm, she is slightly in front.

Do you notice anything? If you notice anything, I'll explain next week on another post. If there is nothing worth noticing, I guess it's not worth blogging about, right? =)


1. The grid lines were superimposed on the image as a clue.

2. Here is another photo including the same head molds as above. I didn't took it but I thought it is another good comparison photo.

That will be all the clues I can give for now. In the mean time, you might also enjoy this photo. (It's from an old event but if you have been reading this blog for a while, you'll know that this is not a "what's new" blog.) I just thought that using human size Blythe dolls in a fashion show was a cool idea! Whether you love or hate those dolls, I must say the size of their heads are really interesting, to say the least.


ernids said...

is it me or is the doll on the right's face is wider at its right side (my left) than its left?

D7ana said...

Oh what a great head she has, the doll on the right. Lovely, but gosh, it's HUGE compared to the Steffie-mold doll.

jasper said...

the Lois Lane doll is more human looking than the Steffie doll?

Niel Camhalla said...

Hi guys! Been busy for a while. I'll get back to this when I get some free time. Thanks for dropping by. :)