Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kiss Goodbye

They, too, like most Michael and Melinda I have seen (err...I have seen more  Michael's without their Melinda's), will be parted.

I don't know which one is better, the 1st pic or the one below, so I'm posting them both. The 1st pic was edited using Paint.NET to give that vintage vibe that I think suits the dolls but I love the bright green from the second pic (unedited except for the watermark).

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Audrey's Dilemma

Erica totally feels less matronly with her new hair. With her signature slight, she tries to convince Audrey to change her hairstyle. Audrey realizes that she really can't wear a lot of dresses with her hair and a funny tiara. Woman can't live on gown alone but Audrey feels she'll lose her identity.

What should she do (hairdo)?

Monday, January 10, 2011